Wednesday, 30 November 2016


The sheriff said princess harry up the prince is waiting for you ok”.
“What took you so long ok but now we have to turn you into gold”.
“Nooo but she is the princess so what would happens if the king finds out.”
“I don't care.”
“But we do”.
“robin catch him”.
“get the princess ok ran and hide”.
“where did they go robin”.
“ok so now we go to my hide out”.
“ok but where is it”.
“ I can’t tell you”.
“why can't you tell me”.
“ cover his ise what. Where are you taking me to my hide out we are here take the cover out”.
“Ok robin”.

“Wow you’r hide out is amazing


“What did you do mike” said the princess.
“I told you to hide but you didn’t lesen”.
“ ok but how are we going to get out”.
“leave that to me I can call my tmen.”
We have a secret code said robin wowo”.
You called as robin”.
“Hos he”.
“I am mike the knight”.
“Ok but we have to said the princess”.
“ mike can you help me cut the steel”.
“ how”.
“ with your arrow and mine and you two are going to tire to break the bricks”.
“Ok robin”.
“ and the princess will tire to pike the louk”.
When the sheriff came robin said to hide everything the sheriff said the prince wants the princess”.
“ robin thoth that it was the perfect time to ascap when robin looked behind him there were guards”. To be continued  

Monday, 28 November 2016


The prince found out that the princess was doing magic the prince said guards catch here when. A  arrow came shooting out of nowhere but it wasn't robin my name is mike he ran to the. princess and grab here and ran to his hideout and robin was in tone when. he heard the prince and the sheriff with the guards robin was curious so he followed the prince the prince. said robin and. mike if they team up they will take all my gold and silver the prince said triple the guard fos and fine the princess when robin. herd that he had to find here when she was right behind robin. With mike so you're mike yes I will let you stay with as what do you the prince catch the princess. robin was going to shoot when mike cut the rope with his arrow mike said we should ran no I say we hid we should let the princess desis ok  I say mike. Go now then prince is waking up mike look behind get them they are in prison to be continued.                              

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


The water was poisoned the people did not know it was poisoned the prince was poisoning the water. One day the  prince wanted same water but the sheriff said you have poisoned the water then go. to the other side of tone when one of the guards had some water the  prince odid. the sheriff to grab the cup when a arrow shoot it was robin and his gag he shoots his arrow it makes the person.  sleep he said. Robin went in the cassal the room was filled with gold robin tried to go through it when he went in the other side it was silver he went to the middle of the cassal was. filled gold and silver the sheriff and the guards were trying to go through the gold robin took most of the gold. and silver by the time the sheriff went through robin had gone. when the prince new he said catch robin the sheriff went to catch him he went in a trap the prince shouted robin.         

Friday, 18 November 2016


The word was very dark no one could see innething. And nothing could work but one thing work. it was a telephone but there was no battery every one was cfus. and the cabal was no plagued then it was getting darker the moon was washing away. the planets were getting dorshsrog asteroids were paching the earth. the sun was getting closer and hotter the threes was getting burned the grong is dispersing. The person that did this will come again. wall let me tell you what is was before it was a shine day people were at the beach. he came out from the beach but I do not know  how he came out when he came out the.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Adult and child

The wine was blowing hard when the era rade the bracelet a away. when it got smashed it looked old and smalled relle bad and falet wete when one of the perens said. can I fixs that for you. Ok when it was achle sining like dimes with red crystals and sparkle lines. but then she looked down it was the roging one she was looking at another one When he had fix it orede.  


 hi my name is tom I had to go and fight in the wrae but this is not any waer we have to go and fight in a robot’s and they are made to droshky anything I was olgms kilede so I ran to the zoom station and I push the time travel and i was zooming in time it look like a crack screen of a tv I was in the future everything was different they were floating haffer bods and fling car’s but when I look in my lef’t there was drack nas everywhere and I was in a haffer bode i remembered that I could not fly it then I was flying in the sky I look down I olgms fainted when I prest land I safely landed when I saw that this was in the middle of the line oh. I see know this holds it together so if this breaks the the world is safe. Then I broke it I had to go back to the pas when I was there the fight never stated I was rleft.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

I was expedited for the FPI achat I had to go under cover so I can spi on foe they are the evolved form of x scaldere. x scaldere is the first king sod after the king had died the sod was schelde in a cave in the snowing. manotan but now the cave has been clos and it dasar snow in the manotan but I am going to break the.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


I was walking down a street when I see two boy’s walking to a badaen pales I went and followed them. There were three more boys with suitcases I took a picture and I saw what was in it. It was money they said it was 1000669 dolere I ran as fast as I could to my house and went to sleep. The next day I went to the poles station and I shod them   where did you take this picture at an a badaen palas take us there ok so they were standing here ok from now you are a secret achen under curve.