I was walking at night time in the dark. when suddenly I was in a another world. I thot I was in the same world but I wasn’t. So I keep on walking then I saw a pesan he was saying Come here. come here come here so I went I was scared but then he vansh. In the air I went to the spot he vansh there was a trap door so I went into it there were lot’s of lights but when I went. Deeper it was getting dark when I was there he killed me the end.
But it was a clown so i ran as fist as I could to get out from the door. I saw light ran to it but it was getting feather and feather I was getting tired so I. Waked then he started to chase me I thort I lost him so I ran then I forgot he. Could finish he came in frat of me and patched me in the docket I was in the fooler. I saw a second person when i woke up I was in a room there was a camera I wasn't alone but I was called.
I had to go to the emperor I was rele nervous but I had made a plan I was making. my move when a alam was saying all soldiers to the reject room that was my move I was rubbing the. rope on a rock so I could run I was running as special as I could when a gaed was. Look for presnes I had to hid he walked right past me then a holl soldiers I sted to follow. Them when I saw the leader he was going to explode the world I saw a invisible cap when.
I got spotted I put the cap on they could not see me I went to one of the soldiers and I. Took one of their gun and and shot them then they started to shot I duck I shot. Them in the leg they all fould on the groon I ran to the emperor and shot him I hcrd. Gun’s I had to run the I saw a car I ran to the window I got a gun from a person then I. Smack it on the window I went through it when a soldier was coming I hid behind a. Sock I saw him walking away so I went through it I went to the car when I went there. The kes were there so I started the car I drive to my hais the end.